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Mitigation Topics

The Risk Mitigation Foundation's holistic approach to risk by integrating multiple topic areas in its assessments is designed to support sustainable project development and ongoing maintenance of organizations engaged in project development.

A holistic approach to risk mitigation means assessing a project, situation, or organization in the context of multiple topic areas instead of conducting the identical assessment through a single lens. The isolated approach results in overlooking the impact and potential intersection of other subject areas. For example, constructing a fish processing plant and only evaluating construction logistics without simultaneously considering the potential cultural ramifications of the plant may result in a structure that is wholly useless in the cultural context of the region. 

development efforts, systematic collaboration, risk management, financial fraud experts, analysts, subject matter experts,specialists, nonprofit organization, consultants, consulting expertise, information database for the assessment, risk expert database, internal research activities, Global Risk, agriculture development, Feasibility Assessment
development efforts, systematic collaboration, risk management, financial fraud experts, analysts, subject matter experts,specialists, nonprofit organization, consultants, consulting expertise, information database for the assessment, risk expert database, internal research activities, Global Risk, agriculture development, Feasibility Assessment

It cannot be overemphasized that sustainable development requires community involvement along with thorough knowledge and understanding of the contextual fabric of the project and community as illustrated by the multiple examples here. Doing so demands the thorough, comprehensive, investigative research conducted by the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation through its assessment programs.

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