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Executive Workshops & Trainings

The Global Risk Mitigation Foundation offers workshops and training programs designed to ensure that Foundation clients benefit from the cutting-edge expertise of the Foundation. In addition to these workshops, the Foundation also offers individualized consulting services such as supply chain risk management tailored to specific corporate risk management needs as well as risk solutions through the Foundation’s affiliated organizations.*


The following are a few of the Foundation’s current offerings.




The Foundation’s partner corporation, International Risk Management, offers sourcing services designed to address supply chain and sourcing risks identified by the Foundation. For additional information regarding sourcing services, please contact IRM.

development efforts, systematic collaboration, risk management, financial fraud experts, analysts, subject matter experts,specialists, nonprofit organization, consultants, consulting expertise, information database for the assessment, risk expert database, internal research activities, Global Risk, agriculture development, Feasibility Assessment , Exectuive Workshops, Training, Innovation

For additional information on workshop, seminar, or consulting options, to include delivery methods (including streaming webinars) and costs, please contact the Foundation.

Workshop Series: GRMF

Anti-Corruption Program


This  intensive course focuses on business ethics, anti-corruption, good governance and business ethics, specifically in developing or emerging market contexts, with attendees participating in a variety of hands-on activities, such as scenario-driven discussions, film and media clips, case discussions and debate, and student-to-student and student-to-professor exercises.


Although lecture, class discussion, and case analysis will be used throughout the course, the heart of this class, and its “hands-on” training, will be live case examples, simulations and their debriefings. This class is specifically intended to be hands-on learning, practical, and highly participatory.


Learning Objectives:


- Understand the relationship between good governance, observable acts of executive and managerial ethical conduct and the overall employee satisfaction and financial success of an organization—this is the “Why” of business ethics.


- Improve your understanding of the “How” a business ethics program is implemented and enforced.


- Learn how to develop corporate governance and codes of conduct programs as applied to the attendee’s own specific company or organization.


- Understand the relationship between governance, transparency, and successful stakeholder participation in an organization.


- Improve executive leadership skills and ability by applying ethical decision-making skills to executive leadership.

- Develop an understanding of the larger picture of the impact of ethics and governance on state/country and regional economic performance and security.

Workshop Series: The Entrepreneurial Approach to Business Development

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The practical understanding and application of entrepreneurship skills are the key to the development of any business. GRMF together with its expert team of executive business educators has developed a multi-module series of workshops which focus specifically on the skill development essential to sustained business expansion and success. This is a sequential building block approach designed to take the entrepreneur through the critical steps of planning, market analysis, financial, legal, product development, intellectual property, logistics and startup --into pre-export stages and then onto full, foreign market and export development with all of the international negotiations, trade, tariff, and cultural nuances involved.



This workshop series is conducted in live sessions and offered also in an online format.

The Spin Doctor Is In: Learning to interpret In-Country Media and Government Communications

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When entering a new market, businesses face the risk of operating in a market which they do not fully understand. The only resources available are often local media and government communications, both of which may be tailored to fulfill local objectives at the expense of the foreign business. Despite this risk, many businesses often do not realize that their interests are at risk and cannot respond appropriately, thereby endangering their investments. The Global Risk Mitigation Foundation offers tailored courses that lay the foundation for appropriate identification and preparation to successfully interpret in-country media and government communications, protecting the company’s bottom line and reputation.

Avoiding the Quicksand Pit: Cultural Briefings for Exporters and Businesses

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In order to formulate an effective response against terrorist activity and counter violent extremism, it is critical to first understand the ideology driving the extremists. Not every fundamentalist will make the transition to the type of extremism that results in terrorist activity. What, then, motivates this transition to conduct acts of terrorism?


 The Foundation and its subject matter experts are uniquely positioned to assist in creating a deeper understanding of the juxtaposition and recent melding between Salafi extremism and Sufi extremist groups - unique to Asian countries. Our instructor team has the expertise and practical experience to identify, teach and explain the radicalization process which is undermining Sunni Islam by creating Salafi extremist groups such as Abu Sayyaf, al-Qaeda, Jema’ah Islamiya, Boko Haram, al-Shabab, Lashkar et-Taiba, ISIS, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, etc.

Countering Ideological & Political Warfare


Extremists, terrorists, and selected state actors are all engaged in unusual forms of warfare, both ideological as well as political, directed at many countries of the world. Most countries, institutions, and businesses do not realize they are under attack until it is too late. Many are unwilling and/or unable to effectively respond. This challenge is compounded by the fact that there is little systematic political/information warfare related education and training available, even within national security and defense institutions.


GRMF offers tailored courses that lay the foundation for appropriate preparation and mitigation of political warfare risks. These courses enable government agencies, NGOs and businesses to learn how to identify, map, and combat PRC political warfare and then to develop a specific counter political warfare plan

Workshop Series: Business Development for the Island-Based or Developing Economy Enterprise

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The entrepreneur or enterprise situated in an island-based or developing economy faces unique challenges. These include: lack of logistics and infrastructure support, cold storage chains, internet access, supply chain problems, dearth of educational access, etc.  GRMF together with its expert team of executive business educators has developed a multi-module series of workshops which focus specifically on the island or developing economy business. In addition to addressing solutions to the particular challenges faced by these enterprises, this series also incorporates the skill development essential to sustained business expansion and success. This is a sequential building block approach designed to take the island-based or the developing economy entrepreneur through the critical steps of planning, market analysis, financial, legal, product development, intellectual property, logistics and startup --into pre-export stages and then onto full, foreign market and export development with all of the international negotiations, trade, tariff, and cultural nuances involved.


This island-focused workshop series is conducted in live sessions and offered also in an online format.

Global Risk Mitigation Foundation Featured Consulting Service:

Managing Supply Chain Risks

Votonsi Bridge under construction at Kas

Farm to Pantry:

Value Added Agriculture Products

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