GRMF in the News
The information and opinions below are personal opinions only and do not reflect the policies, opinions, or views of the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation itself or of any of its affiliated organizations.
Republic of the Philippines Foreign Service Institute Webinar on to Counter Violent Extremism
April 5, 2018
The Global Risk Mitigation Foundation (GRMF) Inc., led by its Chairperson Dr. David F. Day and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Elizabeth Chan, partnered with FSI in organizing this webinar. GRMF is a US-based nonprofit organization focused on the development of holistic and comprehensive risk assessments and innovative education-based solutions.
Resource persons, Mr. Kim Jensen and Mr. Rip McGuin, incorporated a review of the concepts on countering Islamic extremism and its contemporary practical applications in the context of recent responses of France and Egypt to terrorist attacks.
“In my watch, we’re gonna go when it is dangerous to go when things really count,” said Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro L. Locsin, Jr., in the webinar, “Contemporary Application of Counterterrorism Concepts,” organized by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) on 5 February 2021.
Full press release at:
Dr. Elizabeth Chan, GRMF's CEO, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Hawaii Pacific Export Council (HPEC) and also elected as the organization's new Chief Financial Officer.
April 5, 2018
HPEC is a 501(c)(3) organization comprised of private sector executives which promotes and assists in the development of international export of U.S. goods and services. HPEC works closely with the U.S Department of Commerce and its U.S. Commercial Service. HPEC is the largest (area-wise) of the 59 District Export Councils in the United States and spans the entire Pacific Region from Hawaii to Guam and the Marianas to American Samoa. Dr. Chan will be meeting with HPEC members out in the Pacific islands later on this month
“Time to Kill the Myth of Japanese Exceptionalism: Japan’s Scandals, Corruption and Corporate Problems are unrelated to the Nation’s much debated ‘difference."
March 23, 2018
Published in Asia Times, GRMF’s Advisor Grant Newsham writes that all too often Western observers see Japan as “different,” citing the nation’s juicy organized crime and underworld Yakuza as examples but conveniently overlooking the mafia, Enron, sub-prime lending fiasco and various Washington-related scandals that comprise the “dirty” but human side of the United States. Given the perceived “difference,” Newsham argues that Japan uses this perception to bolster the country’ss prior excuses for not adequately developing its defense forces and that with the rise of China, the time has come for both Japan and the U.S. to jettison this “difference” excuse.
Foundation Leadership Meeting
March 20, 2018
The Global Risk Mitigation Foundation's Founding Directors meet in Honolulu to discuss the work, projects and future work of the Foundation for the coming years.
Book Release, “Operation Tomadachi : The Incredible Story of the United States Marine Corps Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011”
March 11, 2018
“This book is less about the overall response and instead is a story of a relationship that started during ‘Operation Tomodachi’ …between Oshima, a relatively small, isolated island… and the United States Marines…”
Written by GRMF Board of Advisor’s Dr. Robert Eldridge, a HADR and Disaster response/mitigation expert and formerly the Political Advisor, Forward Command Element, U.S. Forces Japan, traces the U.S. Marine Corps' Involvement in “Operation Tomodachi.” This was the American response to the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (i.e. Fukushima), describing in detail the people, events, and actions at the time. The book also examines the post-recovery expansion of the relationships with the affected communities, especially the island of Oshima, Kesennuma City, in the Miyagi Prefecture. Dr. Eldridge emphasizes the "No Better Friend" side of the U.S. Marine Corps.
“The Point of No Return? China’s Choice After the Nuclear Posture Review”
February 23, 2018
David Santoro, a GRMF Advisor, is also a Director and Senior Fellow for nuclear policy at the Pacific Forum. Dr. Santoro, an expert on sensitive technology and nuclear policy issues, writes in this piece that too little attention has been given to the implications of the Nuclear Posture Review’s assessment that today’s security environment is characterized by the “return of great-power competition,” especially more combative dynamics with Russia and China with far-reaching implications. Interestingly, Dr. Santoro warned just over a year ago that US patience is giving way to skepticism that nuclear dialogue with Beijing will ever start:
“As the United States is gearing up to make important decisions about the modernization of its arsenal in the context of rising nuclear dangers, including sabre rattling by both Russia and North Korea, it may well decide to abandon hopes of engagement with China and adapt its policy and posture as it sees fit.”
GRMF executed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Philippine Red Cross and the Tacha Fund for Children based in Washington, D.C.
January 3, 2018
GRMF executed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Philippine Red Cross and the Tacha Fund for Children based in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this MOU was to establish coordinated efforts in both the disaster relief and rebuilding as partner organizations following the siege of Marawi, on the island of Mindanao in the Southern Philippines. The Tacha Fund has tapped the pharmaceutical resources of a U.S. firm, MedPharm, through its Chairman and GRMF Board Advisor, Andrew Koval, to donate a significant amount medicines and medical/surgical supplies to the Marawi victims and refugees through the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation.
In addition to the provision of medical supplies, the Foundation will be assisting the Philippine Red Cross potentially in a number of areas including disaster management, psychological counselling for conflict victims, counter-terrorism, new educational programs, and economic rebuilding programs for this war-torn urban area.
Foundation Leadership Meeting
January 01, 2018
The Global Risk Mitigation Foundation's Founding Directors meet in Honolulu at the beginning of 2018 to discuss the work, projects and future work of the Foundation for the coming years.
IGI - Disseminator of Knowledge
Study Abroad Effect on Retention and Student Success
November 21, 2017
Founding Director of the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation, Dr. Eric A. Canny, had a chapter published discussing the positive correlations between study abroad and student success broadly, as well as the ways in which study abroad programs operate from a student success model. Both may help influence home-campus practitioners in working with all students. The work explored the research findings of the high-impact nature of study abroad linked to learning outcomes, as data shows deep student learning, including self-reflection, which could be indicators of student success. Finally, the chapter drew correlations between these topics and international on-site models of student success to support this transformational and challenging experience for students.
Foundation Leadership presentation to Richardson Law School: "Public International Law and Policy"
November 14, 2017
Both Chairman and CEO of the Risk Mitigation Foundation, David Day and Elizabeth Chan are giving a briefing to the William S. Richardson Law School of the University of Hawaii on the topic of public international law and policy. Among the matters discussed will be tips and tools in working with public officials in foreign countries.
The Risk Mitigation leadership will be joined in this Panel by Ms. Brenda Foster, the former Executive Director of AMCHAM Shanghai.
Genesis Films Launched
November 1, 2017
The Global Risk Mitigation Foundation's Found Director, Eric A. Canny, and Board of Advisor Member Hermes Ibarra Lopez founded GENESIS FILMS, a documentary production company dedicated to projects focused on the coming into being of something; tracing the origin of the people or an issue to its root causes. Too often issues and people are examined in their current context, resulting in simplified views of what are highly complex problems, or, a 'wicked problem'.
It is these wicked problems which GENESIS FILMS projects focus on to unravel the many interconnected factors, creating narratives that challenge viewers to contemplate solutions and remove resistance to resolution.
Xi'an, China: Participation in the First Liangjiatan International Education Forum
October 27, 2017
Risk Mitigation Advisor Christine “Crissy” Gayagas (Col. (Ret) Gayagas is also the CEO of the Foundation's affiliated logistics & sustainment NGO) was recently a panelist at the First Liangjiatan International Education Forum in Xi’an, China, with other scholars from the University of Southern California. Col. Gayagas shared perspectives on success in education and how it contributes to enhanced international relations.
The conference was covered in several leading papers, including the China Daily.
As a result of participation in this recent educational forum in Xi’an. Col. Gayagas has been invited to collaborate with a group of schools and training programs in China. The Foundation will be looking into facilitating further collaboration with these schools and possible partnerships or other participation in Foundation activities with Col. Gayagas’ assistance.
Is Japan’s nuclear weapon allergy psychosomatic?
October 23, 2017
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Grant Newsham argues in this piece published in Asia Times, that Japan's allergy to nuclear weapons might well be overcome if the perceived need were great enough. Among other examples, he cites Japan's aversion to having their Self Defense Forces develop an amphibious capability as reminiscent of wartime Imperial Japan's island conquering. However, Mr. Newsham had his hand in and watched Japan build its amphibious capability with lightening fast speed, once the need for such became apparent. (Col. Grant Newsham was the 1st Liasion Officer between the U.S. Marine Corps and the Japanese Self Defense Forces during the creation and development of this new amphibious force.)
Grant Newsham is the CEO of the Risk Mitigation Foundation's affiliated 3rd Rail organization and a Foundation Advisory Board member.
Collective Security Is America's Only Hope
October 15, 2017
Dr. David Santoro writes in this comprehensive piece: "Given that U.S. primacy cannot endure, and that accommodating Russia and China is unwise, Washington should work with Moscow, Beijing and others to promote the establishment of functioning collective-security regimes in Europe and Asia." He argues that in a context of intensifying major-power competition, the US is and should focus on strengthening deterrence of Russia and China, but should also reflect on the longer-term relationships it wants and can have with them, notably in Europe and Asia. He comes out against both the maintenance of US “strategic primacy” and an accommodation of Russia/China and instead, suggests that shooting for the establishment of collective-security arrangements in Europe/ Asia may be a better option.
David Santoro is a member of the Board of Advisors of the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation and a Founding Director of its affiliated Sensitive Technology mitigation NGO. Dr. Santoro is also the Director and Senior Fellow for Nuclear Policy at Pacific Forum, Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Voice of America Interviews Advisor Grant newsham on North Korea
October 08, 2017
Grant Newsham, a Risk Mitigation Advisor and the CEO of its affiliated Third Rail organization, was interviewed by VOA's Victor Beattie, and stated that Kim Jong Un's strategy "is really about preserving the Kim dynasty in North Korea as opposed to what happened to Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Libya's Mommar Gadhafi." Obviously a very different view than that put out by the North Korean state media that the nuclear program is safeguarding the peace and security of the Korean peninsula against "protracted nuclear threats of the U.S. Imperialists."
Grant Newsham also remarked that the day you see the Bank of China have its banking license to operate in the U.S. suspended for six months, is the day you know Washington means business.
According to Mr. Newsham, North Korean leader Kim promoted, among others, his 28-year old sister, Kim Yo-Jong to the post of alternate member of the politburo, the regime's top decision-making body. Newsham explained that such promotions have only one purpose: to ensure the most trustworthy are advanced to ensure the regime's survival, what he likens to an organized crime gang.
GRMF entered into a strategic partnership with Kaiaulu Papaloa
October 3, 2017
GRMF entered into a strategic partnership with Kaiaulu Papaloa, a 501(c)(3) organization located on the island of Kauai, Hawaii to assist that organization in its tropical agriculture projects along with its rural agriculture infrastructure development.
"Game On" for the U.S. & China in 2018
September 26, 2017
Exactly how is this going to Impact your China Operations and Your Overall Business Strategy?
The International Trade Association of Chicago hosts Risk Mitigation Advisor Michael Sacharski for
this intriguing program.
The “Game On” competition, according to Mr. Sacharski, is going to be a global head-to-head contest in which each contestant’s respective affiliation in regional trade groups will only have a secondary and peripheral impact at best. Certain players will have a ringside seat and in pursuit of their own interest join the contest. The heavy-weights: U.S. and India, China and Russia; everyone else in the region will experience intense contending fields of gravitational pull from China and the U.S. respectively, starting in 2018.
Mr. Sacharski’s career spans 30 years of living and working in China. He has had an unbroken string of on‐the‐ground work experiences across China’s development arc; from post‐Cultural Revolution devastation to today’s global giant conducting sophisticated transactions around the world, including the leadership of GTE China.
Risk Mitigation Foundation Academic Outreach in Tokyo
September 22, 2017
Risk Mitigation Directors Dr. Elizabeth Chan and Dr. Eric Canny along with Advisory Board member Dr. Estella Chen (and CEO of the RM Foundation's affiliated education mitigation non-profit) attended the University of Southern California Global Conference 2017: Creating the Future in Tokyo, Japan. Conference speakers addressed a diverse range of topics such as personalized learning, novel medical technologies, and Asia-Pacific policy.
Photo: Dr. Eric Canny, Dr. Elizabeth Chan (CEO of the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation), and USC President Max Nikias in Tokyo
Chairman David Day Elected to the Natl Steering Committee of the 59 U.S. District Export Councils
August 29, 2017
The District Export Councils (DECs) in the Pacific South Region of the U.S., which includes Southern California, Nevada, Hawaii elected Risk Mitigation Foundation Chairman David Day as 1 of its 2 representatives for the Region to the 16 person National Steering Committee of the 59 District Export Councils located in various cities throughout the United States.
The 59 DECs are private sector industry organizations closely affiliated with the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration and the U.S. Commercial Service and work closely together to develop and promote U.S. exports of goods and service abroad.
Exporting or Doing Business in South Korea: What you must Know
August 17, 2017
William Oberlin, a member of the Risk Mitigation Foundation's Board of Advisors, formerly the President of Boeing for South Korea and the Chairman of AMCHAM Korea for nearly a decade, lays out, in this presentation, a number of the key aspects of Korean culture that are essential for doing business successfully in South Korea.
Mr. Oberlin's presentation was delivered live to a number of Hawaii exporting companies and was also streamed to a many other firms throughout the Hawaiian islands.
Vietnam and Indonesia: Critical Cultural Tips for Exporting and Doing Biz
August 17, 2017
The Chairman of the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation, David Day, gave a presentation to Hawaii exporting company representatives on the cultural challenges in successfully entering the Vietnamese and Indonesian markets. While the presentation was live in Honolulu it was also streamed to a number of firms throughout the Hawaiian islands.
"Karate Project Management: 7 Bodies of Knowledge"
July 24, 2017
A new book recently published by Mr. Amin Leiman, an Advisor for the Risk Mitigation Foundation which applies the philosophy of karate to the world of business and project management. A short, easy read for those wanting to master the higher level of the project management skillset.
White Warships, Little Blue Men, and Looming Conflict in the East China Sea - China’s “Short, Sharp War” For The Senkakus
July 22, 2017
"...this paper will address how China’s military campaign to take the Senkaku Islands would likely unfold, to include China’s campaign objectives; the military and para-military forces it will employ and how the PRC is preparing those forces; how it might counter U.S. intervention; how it would occupy and control the islands."
This paper provides eight specific recommendations to mitigate the risk of the increasingly threatening situation in the East China Sea.
Risk Mitigation Advisor Prof. Kerry Gershaneck teamed up with Mr. James E. Fanell for this in-depth and thought provoking piece.
Mr. Fanell is a Government Fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), and the former Director of Intelligence and Information Operations (N2/N39) for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. He specializes in Indo-Asia Pacific security affairs, with an emphasis on the Chinese navy and its operations.
Prof. Gershaneck is also a Senior Research Associate with CPG at Thammasat University’s Faculty of Law, the Distinguished Visiting Professor at Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, and also a Senior Associate with Pacific Forum CSIS, and a retired U.S. Marine Corps officer.
Dr. Robert Eldridge Initiates New Outreach Program Series in Tokyo
July 21, 2017
Dr. Robert Eldridge, a Risk Mitigation Advisor, is launching a monthly seminar series in Tokyo beginning August 3 , which will also include lectures about the alliance, disaster preparedness, along with Japan's diplomatic and security challenges, including Okinawa-related issues.
Dr. Eldridge is is a renowned expert in the fields of disaster mitigation & response in Japan as well as on geopolitical and security issues that impact Japan.
Living with North Korean nukes and ICBMs. No other choice?
July 17, 2017
"Influential parts of America’s professional foreign policy commentating class are finally, and predictably, coming around to the idea that nothing can be done about North Korea’s nuclear weapons and long range missiles, and that the US needs to 'get used to it.'”
No, there are other options available, points out Grant Newsham, a Risk Mitigation Advisor and CEO of its affiliated 3rd Rail organization. Mr. Newsham is an expert on geopolitical and security issues in the Asia Pacific Region.
What is the Risk? An affordable 3D printer
July 08, 2017
Starting at $99. The Obsidian offers high-quality printing at a low price and runs on non-proprietary firmware. It comes ready out of the box: simply load your filament, plug the power in, and you’re good to go.
US must have stomach for sanctions on Pyongyang and Beijing
July 07, 2017
Last week the White House imposed sanctions against a Chinese bank, two individuals, and a shipping firm for facilitating illegal transactions with the rogue state. This is only the very beginning of the necessary sanctions squeeze, writes Mr. Grant Newsham in a piece published in Asia Times. Mr. Newsham responds to the conventional wisdom that "sanctions have failed" by underscoring that no, real sanctions have never been tried. As a for instance, he points out that there has never been a crack down on North Korea’s easy-to-uncover global moneymaking operations. The key issue is whether there is the will to undertake, rough, punitive sanctions against North Korea that bite.
Grant Newsham is the CEO of the Risk Mitigation Foundation's affiliated 3rd Rail organization and a Foundation Advisory Board member.
Don’t go ballistic! The least bad agenda after North Korea’s ICBM test
July 05, 2017
Dr. David Santoro, a nuclear proliferation and sensitive technology expert, published this article for Pacific Forum CSIS. Dr. Santoro points out that it is counterproductive to regard North Korea's ICBM test as a "game-changer." He takes the position that sanctions need to be reinforced and also that Washington should use this opportunity to strengthen U.S. Japan South Korea security cooperation.
Dr. Santoro is on the Board of Advisors of the Risk Mitigation Foundation and instrumental in the development of its sensitive technologies group.
Picking Uniforms Based on Fashion?
June 22, 2017
The Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction recently released a 17 page report on the Pentagon's authorization of uniform purchases for the Afghan National Army, a purchase that would be logical...if the camouflage was not a woodland camouflage for use in a country where the majority of the country is primarily desert.
Worse, the purchase of the uniforms was made without conducting any formal testing or evaluation of the camouflage patterns for use in Afghanistan. A simple holistic risk assessment and test of the camouflage pattern in its intended environment could have saved the American government and taxpayers $28 million. As shown by this example, such tests may seem superfluous, but ultimately can assist stakeholders in minimizing waste while promoting efficient use of resources.
The Muscle Behind China’s New Silk Road Is Over the Horizon
June 26, 2017
Grant Newsham, the CEO of the Risk Mitigation Foundation's affiliated 3rd Rail organization and a Foundation Advisory Board member, teamed up with geopolitical risk and global energy expert, Mr. Jeremy Maxie, and the two co-authored this piece for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.
Messrs Grant and Maxie discuss the coming influence of the PLA's marines, or PLAMC, underscoring that, in addition to warfighting capabilities, the PLAMC will also assert China’s regional influence through regular bilateral and multilateral training exercises as well as "show-the-flag" port visits that are part and parcel of naval diplomacy. This will be accomplished by by forward-deploying the PLAMC and the PLA Navy to Djibouti and Pakistan. China will thereby significantly increase its capability to project “hard power” in the Middle East and Africa.
Containing China? -- Dream On
June 21, 2017
"Containing China? Some common sense will do just fine"
Risk Mitigation Advisor and 3rd Rail CEO Grant Newsham published a geopolitical piece in Asia Times which addresses the concept that the United States has attempted to "contain China." Mr. Newsham argues that the policy used to characterize the approach to China's rise taken by the United States since the Nixon era has been anything but containment. He also addresses the notion, still prevalent in in many U.S. business circles, that suggesting China is not the juiciest market imaginable is "heresy."
Hawaii Exemplary State Foundation Ala Wai Project video release
June 15, 2017
The Hawaii Exemplary State Foundation has released a video overview of the Ala Wai Watershed Restoration Project to coincide with the return of the Polynesian Voyaging Society's Hawaii based canoe Hōkūle`a. Risk Mitigation Advisor Major General (Ret.) Darryll Wong, a Director of the Hawaii Exemplary State Foundation, is featured in the video.
For additional information about Hawaii Exemplary State Foundation and the Ala Wai Watershed Restoration Project, please visit
For additional information about the Polynesian Voyaging Society, its work to preserve traditional Polynesian voyaging science, and the Hōkūle`a's three year worldwide voyage, please visit
Japan’s Secret Weapon – The Honma golf driver
June 26, 2017
Asia Times published a piece by Mr. Grant Newsham, a Risk Mitigation Foundation Advisor and the CEO of its affiliated "3rd Rail" organization, on the important task for the United States and Japan to accomplish in terms of "balancing" the defense relationship and burdens between the U.S. forces and the JSDF. Mr. Newsham observes:
"This imbalance has created a misshapen JSDF unable to address current and developing threats, or to be of much use to US forces except in niche roles of submarine and anti-submarine warfare and air defense. Considerable roles, perhaps, but still niche roles."
Grant Newsham has an extensive background in the risk mitigation and management fields with the private sector, in addition to serving as a former U.S. diplomat, and as the former U.S. Marine liaison officer with the Japanese Self Defense Forces.
China’s market – sensible people acting insensibly
May 26, 2017
"The allure of a China where one sells one of something to every person in the country can make otherwise sensible people act insensibly."
Grant Newsham is a Risk Mitigation Advisor and the CEO of its affiliated, "3rd Rail," non-profit organization published this piece in Asia Times. Mr. Newsham addresses the brutal realities facing U.S. businesses operating in China along with the often naive approach, lacking even minimal common sense, that many U.S. operations fall into. For those companies or investors, the "allure" of doing business in China overrides business risks that would be absolutely unacceptable elsewhere: unenforceable contracts, unfair trade practices, elusive property rights, strongarming and theft of technology and intellectual property,... for starters.
Major General (Ret.) Darryll Wong
2017 Recipient of The Kekumano Noblesse Oblige Award
May 13, 2017
This year, the coveted Kekumano Award given by Maryknoll School in Honolulu was given to Major General (Ret.) Darryll Wong, a Risk MItigation Foundation Advisor and the CEO of its affiliated, Disaster non-profit organization. The Award celebrates and perpetuates the spirit of service to others and giving back to the community in fulfillment of Maryknoll's motto of Noblesse Oblige – to whom much is given, much is expected.
You can view the video tribute to General Wong here.
China record suggests the U.S. look elsewhere for handling Pyongyang
May 03, 2017
China record suggests the U.S. look elsewhere for handling Pyongyang
Grant Newsham
Published in Asia Times, Risk Mitigation Advisor and CEO of its affiliated "3rd Rail" Organization, Mr. Grant Newsham reminds readers of China's long-term goals in the Region and its weak historical record vis.a.vis enforcing sanctions with North Korea.
Chairman David Day recognized as One of the Top 1% of Professionals in the United States
May 01, 2017
America's Most Honored Professionals 2017 - Top 1%
David Day was awarded for continuous professional recognition, an accomplishment realized by Top American Professionals. All qualifying public recognitions of excellence are certified by The American Registry and include significant mentions in the press, honors by recognized trade groups, and acclaimed recognitions by peers or clients.
Upcoming Risk Mitigation Appearances
April 26, 2017
Risk Mitigation Director David Day will be conducting Advanced Export Training on April 27, 2017, a seminar sponsored by the Hawaii Pacific Export Council and the State of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism.
Grant Newsham will be speaking on the yakuza in today's Japan, their reach in Japanese society, and their impact on domestic and global business at a luncheon hosted by the Japan-America Society of Hawaii on April 27, 2017.
Grant Newsham on North Korea
April 22, 2017
Third Rail CEO Grant Newsham discusses North Korean policy at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan.
From Jakarta to Papua: Women's Education
April 21, 2017
From Jakarta to Papua: Women's Education
Risk Mitigation Advisor Dr. Livia Iskandar conducted a women's educational program in celebration of International Women's Day on Papua (formerly Irian Jaya). The photo here is from the Jakarta Post and shows Papuan women attending a discussion and training session led by Dr. Iskandar which was provided by the Papuan Working Group to develop the economy of Papuan families.
"Before attacking North Korea, please try everything else"
Grant Newsham
April 12, 2017
Try sanctions, real sanctions this time.
Published in Asia Times, Grant Newsham makes the case for trying real sanctions that have yet to ever be put in place--ones that severely crack down on all of North Korea's "licit" activities, including: banking, trade, currency exchanges/movement, and diplomatic engagement, among other areas. Mr. Newsham points out that while Pyongyang engages in a range of illicit fund-raising activities, including currency counterfeiting, illegal drug manufacturing and cyber crime to name a few, it is the the “licit” moneymaking operations around the world that are most astonishing and that could be shut down.
Grant Newsham is a Risk Mitigation Advisor and the CEO of its affiliated, "3rd Rail," non-profit organization.
Japan's Amphibious Force Development
Grant Newsham
April 10, 2017
"Japan’s amphibious force is more suited to humanitarian assistance/disaster relief"
Grant Newsham published a piece in Asia Times entitled, "Japan’s amphibious force still well outdistanced by China rival." Mr. Newsham makes the point that the new Izumo class destroyer, Kago, recently commissioned. is far better suited to disaster operations and that Japan's recent development of its own amphibious capability pale by comparison to that created by China.
Grant Newsham is a Risk Mitigation Advisor and the CEO of its affiliated "3rd Rail" non-profit.
Risk Mitigation meeting in Osaka, Japan
April 03, 2017
Risk Mitigation meeting in Osaka, Japan
Dr. Elizabeth Chan, the CEO of the Risk Mitigation Foundation, met in Osaka, Japan with Risk Mitigation Advisor Dr. Robert Eldridge and his wife, Ms. Emiko Eldridge (seated at the left in the kimono), along with Ms. Akiko Doi (center, in yellow), an expert in water quality and senior executive of an environmental/water quality NGO based in Osaka.
Dr. Eldridge is renowned in Japan for his disaster mitigation expertise, among other specialty areas.
Dr. Robert Eldridge: "Japan Needs a Policy for the Senkakus"
March 30, 2017
Dr. Robert Eldridge, a Risk Mitigation Advisor, argues in this piece that the time has come to move away from caution and towards a proactive approach to securing the Senkakus as the rightful territory of Japan. He suggest a number of interesting options that Japan could take in this regard.
"What Japan has today is an approach toward the Senkaku Islands dispute, but an approach is not a substitute for policy."
Risk Mitigation Chairman David Day meets with New Indonesian Ambassador to South Korea
March 29, 2017
South Korea/Indonesia
Following a meeting together, Risk Mitigation Chairman David Day dined with Indonesia's new Ambassador to South Korea, Pak Umar Hadi. Ambassador Umar Hadi is the former Indonesia Consul General posted in Los Angeles and has worked with Mr. Day on a number of Indonesia-related matters.
Indonesia maintains large embassies in Seoul and Pyongyang and has provided interesting backdoor support for the resolution of certain U.S. challenges with North Korea in the past, including prisoner release.
Myanmar’s recent “change of heart” with nonproliferation
March 27, 2017
"Nuclear nonproliferation news is usually bad news. But sometimes there’s good news, and even clear wins. If you’re looking for such a case in the recent past, you need to look no further than Myanmar, formerly known as ‘Burma’." - Dr. David Santoro
A fascinating piece by Dr. David Santoro, an expert in sensitive technologies and nuclear matters. Dr. Santoro is is an Advisor to the Rick Mitigation foundation and also the CEO of its affiliated Sensitive Technologies organization.
Grant Newsham - Why is the PRC so Panicky about THAAD?
March 25, 2017
Watch out for Beijing's alliance busting efforts all over the Asia-Pacific Region warn's the CEO of the Risk Mitigation's "3rd Rail" organization, Grant Newsham, in today's article appearing in The National Interest. Click the button below to access the full article entitled, "The Real Reason China Is Desperate to Stop THAAD."
"THAAD is no more about missiles than the South China Sea dispute is about fish. It’s alliances that are at stake."
Amin Leiman - PMI leadership conference faculty
March 16, 2017
Amin Leiman, a Risk Mitigation Advisor, recently participated in the Project Management Institute (PMI) leadership conference at Yosemite National Park as a Faculty Presenter, speaking on Focused Learning and conducting several sessions in global professional development.
Amin is a frequent instructor at PMI seminars and trainings throughout the Asia-Pacific Region and recently returned to the U.S. after conducting a PMI course in Manila.
A 4th Arrow for Abenomics?
March 13, 2017
An article by Grant Newsham, a Risk Mitigation Advisor and CEO of the "3rd Rail" organization, on Abenomics was published in the Asia Times. This is an interesting piece on the Japanese economy entitled, "Abe Needs a Fourth Arrow," and the full text of the article may be found by clicking on the button below.
Mr. Newsham makes the point that Abenomics is said to have three arrows: monetary policy, fiscal policy and restructuring. His suggestion: add a fourth arrow and call it psychology.
Dr. Robert D. Eldridge - Iwo Jima & The Bonin Islands
February 14, 2017
"Iwo Jima and The Bonin Islands: American Strategy, Japanese Territory, and the Islanders In-Between"
Timely for the 72nd anniversary of the landing of the U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima during WWII, the Marine Corps University Press has released the English version of a new book entitled, “Iwo Jima and the Bonin Islands in U.S. – Japan Relations” by Dr. Robert D. Eldridge, a Risk Mitigation Advisor. This book is a major work on the Bonin islands that has been nearly a decade in its development. While it is available in Japanese as well, you can access the English version at no charge at the button below.
Kerry Gershaneck - Thailand: A chance to revitalise
February 10, 2017
Prof. Kerry Gershaneck, a member of the Board of Advisors for the Risk Mitigation Hub of the Alliance, published an Op-ed in the Bangkok Post with several critical steps that the U.S. should take in order to revitalize its relationship with Thailand, strained in the wake of the 2014 coup by the military leadership.
Prof. Gershaneck is also The Distinguished Visiting Professor at Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, a Senior Research Associate at the Thammasat University Faculty of Law 'German Southeast Asia Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance', and a Senior Associate at Pacific Forum CSIS.
Dr. Livia Iskandar - One of 100 Extraordinary Muslim Women in the World
January 12, 2017
Dr. Livia Iskandar, based in Jakarta and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Global Development Risk Mitigation Foundation, has been named as one of 100 Extraordinary Muslim Women globally by the Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality. The piece on Dr. Iskandar can be found by clicking the button below.
Anti-Corruption Compliance in Asia
January 12, 2017
Prof. Kerry Gershaneck attended the "Asian Compliance and Anti-Corruption Summit" in Bangkok, Thailand on January 11-12, 2017.
Prof. Gershaneck is on the Board of Advisors for the Risk Mitigation group and is also The Distinguished Visiting Professor at Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, a Senior Research Associate at the Thammasat University Faculty of Law 'German Southeast Asia Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance', and a Senior Associate at Pacific Forum CSIS.
Dr. Eldridge's Advice re Japan's Strategy on TPP Debated on the Floor of the Diet
December 09, 2016
Dr. Robert Eldridge, a member of the Risk Mitigation Foundation's Board of Advisors and the CEO of its affiliated Project Information Office for the Alliance in Japan, was interviewed in a feature article in the major Japan newspaper, the Sankei Shimbun, on December 8 on trade and the TPP. In that interview, Dr. Eldridge offered his advice on the direction that Japan should take on these critical issues. Later that same morning, on the floor of the Diet, House of Councilors' Member Mitsuo Gima of Upper House’s Special Committee on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, cited the article and Dr. Eldridge's trade advice and approach in an exchange directly with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Dr. Eldridge had recommended Japan move forward with the agreement regardless of U.S. participation and develop a market and institutions that the United States and other democratic countries abiding by the rule of law and good governance would wish to join.
Prime Minister Abe, in his response, implied that Japan would follow the direction suggested by Dr. Eldridge. Shortly thereafter, Japan did, in fact, ratify the TPP.
You can view Dr. Eldridge's Sankei Shimbun article here (in Japanese) and you can watch the exchange between Councilor Gima and Prime Minister Abe by clicking the button below.
Kumamoto - Preliminary Disaster Assessment
November 30, 2016
Governor Dr. Kabashima of Kumamoto Prefecture meets with Dr. Robert Eldridge a Risk Mitigation Advisor, as part of a preliminary disaster assessment visit following the 5.1 earthquake in August 2016.
Japan's Minister of Defense Dines with Dr. Robert Eldridge
November 24, 2016
Dr. Robert Eldridge, a Risk Mitigation Advisor, was recently introduced at a small dinner in Tokyo to Ms. Tomomi Inada, Japan’s new Minister of Defense, by members of the Diet from Osaka.
Role of Critical Infrastructure in National Security
Maj. Gen. (Ret) Darryll Wong
September 21, 2016
General Darryll Wong, the former Adjutant General of the Hawaii National Guard, gave a presentation in Honolulu on the interrelationship of national security and critical infrastructure. General Wong's presentation outlined examples of vulnerabilities of key components of the state and city's critical infrastructure, including exposure to disaster-related events, and the need for the private sector to coordinate in partnership with Federal, State, & Local authorities to shore up those vulnerable components.
General Wong is a Risk Mitigation Advisor and the CEO of the Disaster organization within the Risk Mitigation group.
Environmental & Pandemic Disasters: IUCN World Conservation Congress
September 06, 2016
The most recent IUCN World Conservation Congress was conducted in Honolulu, Hawaii September 1 - 10, 2016. Held every four years, it brings together several thousand leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, indigenous peoples, business, and academia, with the goal of conserving the environment and harnessing the solutions nature offers to global challenges.
Representatives of the Global Development Risk Mitigation Foundation attended the Congress and included CEO Elizabeth Chan (pictured here), Advisor to the Foundation, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Darryll Wong (who is also the CEO of the Disaster organization of the Risk Mitigation group of non-profits and also pictured here) and David Day, the Chairman of the Risk Mitigation Foundation (center). Also present was Prof. Kerry Gershaneck, a Risk Mitigation Advisor, who is not pictured here.
The Risk Mitigation team attending the Congress presented an exhibition booth highlighting projects related to pandemic mitigation - "Zika" as well as coral reef & watershed management.
November 17 - 20, 2016
Drs. Elizabeth G. Chan and Eric A. Canny, Founding Directors of the Global Risk Mitigation Foundation visited multiple education and policy organizations in Doha, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Their networking was focused on the education and holistic national policy implementation being done in both countries to move them to Knowledge Economies.
The Association of International Education Administrators
Montreal, Canada
February 27, 2016
Dr. Eric A. Canny, Founding Director, Risk Mitigation Foundation networked at the Annual AIEA Conference. The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), formed in November 1982, is composed of institutional leaders engaged in advancing the international dimensions of higher education.
World Innovation Summit Education
November 4 - 6, 2016
Founding Directors, Dr. Elizabeth G. Chan and Dr. Eric A. Canny were invited delegates to the World Innovation Summit on Education (WISE). This was Dr. Canny's third attendance, he has previously held forums at WISE focused on the changing nature of liberal arts education. Since 2009, the WISE Summit has brought together diverse education stakeholders in Doha to explore and share ideas, and to collaborate toward creative action in education. At WISE, teachers, decision makers, and influential experts from all fields of public and private sectors gather in a collegial environment to harness their experience in addressing evolving education challenges. The WISE Summit has become the premier international, multi-sectoral conference dedicated to building the future of education through empowerment and partnership.
Founding Directors Networking Myanmar
November, 2015
Global Risk Mitigation Foundation Founding Directors, Drs. Elizabeth G. Chan and Eric A. Canny, spent a week in Myanmar networking with both local as well as international NGOs focused on education, environmental sustainability, urban development, and a range of medial issues. Time was spent in both Yangon as well as Inle Lake and other cities in the Shan State.
“The Other Side of Japan: Yakuza II—and their involvement in society, business and government ”
March 14, 2014
Grant Newsham, a Foundation Advisor, gave an engaging presentation to the Japan-America Society of Hawaii that covered the Yakuza’s overseas activities and also explained how rather than being a curious, but ultimately harmless aspect of Japanese life, the Yakuza are a major hindrance on Japan’s economic and political—and even social development. Mr. Newsham underscored that despite Japanese government claims to the contrary, the Yakuza are not on the ropes, and are as strong and omnipresent as ever.